Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Finders Keepers....

Well after a long day yesterday, it was no rest for the weary and another long day today. 

Finally, got to bed last night by about a 20 hour day.  I decided to pass on the 6am Kettlebell class and instead slept till 7am.  Ahhh sleep......

But then it was off to work I went.  Little creativity for breakfast... the usual.
-kashi heart to heart, greek yogurt, berries, almond butter and ground flax w/ an iced coffee

I was hungry this morning though.... maybe because I ate a lot of crap on the road.  ;)  So I had two mid-morning snacks.... a camera shy nectarine and this delicious Larabar.....

My snack was also fuel my my noon time run though.  I was relieved from noon time dog walking duty by my mother-in-law, so I headed out for a run from work (brought my clothes just incase).  It was a hot and steamy 4 miles, but felt SO GOOD after sitting in the car so much yesterday. 

So then I came back to my desk, had a huge glass of water and this yummy sandwich.
-flat out, chicken, green pepper, tomato, spinach, lil mayo
-side of extra tomato & green peppers

I had a post work meeting plan followed by some weeding so I knew I needed something to carry me through to dinner.  I headed to the cafe at work and found this almond granola & yogurt parfait, yum.  Also had a big cup of green tea.  

The parfait did the trick!  It held me over till 8:30 when I finally got home.  After work I had to attend a meeting for a beautification group that is part of our local Main Street program.  From there I went straight to meeting my weeding crew.... we weed various planting beds in the downtown area.  Tonight we weeded in front of our Chamber of Commerce/Visitors Center. 

As I was walking around I found a small wrapped box with the card attached that said the following on its outside.....

I opened up the card and this is what it said......
And inside the box...... 

What an amazing surprise!  I'm trying to decide now what to do....... my wonderful husband has provided me with some beautiful jewelry, I was thinking it might be nice to give it to someone else.... but who....   who would you give it to??

After weeding I had to wash my car, we are trying to sell it and have someone coming to check it out tomorrow!  Cross fingers!

Then it was home to finally eat.  I needed something FAST. 

So I heated up some herbed red potatoes, sauteed up some gorgeous string beans from our crop share, added 1/2 an avocado, a couple of walnuts, a baby bell cheese and a sprinkle of balsamic vinaigrette.  YUM!
CLOSE up.... look at those colorful string beans!!
And a glass of wine.... while I watch SYTYCD.   :)

My placemat I'm ashamed to say is my BRAND NEW MACBOOK!  However the hubby went to bed before I could set it up on our network... not sure how to do that on my own.  :(  My techy savvy ain't that good I guess. 

After my delish salad, I needed a little .... CHOCOLATE... so a small handful of chocolate chips. Perfection with my wine!

Now time for bed!!  Hope you had a fabulous day too.  So... let me know what YOU would do with the necklace I was surprised with.   :)



  1. It always feels awesome to workout after you've sat in a car for alonggggg time! Your string beans look so good- I must pick some up this weekend

  2. What if you kept the necklace until a charity you love is having a fundraiser/raffle and donate it to that?
