Thursday, July 30, 2009

Running In the Rain.....

It decided to rain this morning..... only while I was running. How nice of the weather to do that. Actually though, it probably was a good thing as it kept me relatively cool despite the warm muggy weather, even at 6am this morning.

It was not your typical run as I did intervals of running and weeding. Yep weeding. I ran most of my run about 3.5 miles then decided to swing by a planter downtown that I volunteer my time to take care of..... um it needed some caring in a major way. So I stopped for about 10 minutes to do some speed weeding. Got a bit dirty, but I finshed up my run... not sure if I got all 5 miles in but pretty close. I also incorporated part of the 5K route for the race I'm planning, just wanted to get a better feel for the hills along the way.... its not too bad and there is a good long downhill the last mile with a little uphill near the end.

By the time I got home the rain had ended and the warm muggies really kicked in, a cool shower felt heavenly.

Then I did my quick usual breakfast and was out the door. (picture to come later)

Do you do any volunteer work? If you do, what do you do?

Have a wonderful day!!



  1. Some days it just feels great to run in the rain, doesn't it? :)

    I volunteer for a local Boxer Rescue - I love pups!

  2. That is awesome! We adopted our beagle Reggie through a beagle rescue group, they were a great group of volunteers.

  3. I LOVE running in the rain!

    I don't do any volunteer work here in Korea, but back home I was a Big Sister (with Big Brothers/Big Sisters). I loved it!
