Monday, August 17, 2009

Grey skies are going to clear up.....

So put on a happy face.  :)  

Ugh.. I swear I am so tired of bad news.  I won't bring my blog down, but its a definite reminder that life is short and you must live every day to the fullest!!!

So back to the wonderful world of FOOD!

I had my first Pure Bar today, after hearing about them on Iowa Girl Eats.  I noticed them at the grocery store the other day and thought I'd give them a whirl.  I had a Cherry Cashew bar. 

Verdict- I prefer Larabars.  The Pure Bar was more expensive and it was almost like another flavor of a Larabar in the end.  If I couldn't find a Larabar and all they had were Pure Bars, I would it it... but I'd pick a Lara over a Pure if given the opportunity I think.  

I was in such a rush this morning I forgot to pack lunch, so I headed home at lunch time to throw something together.  

big ol' salad
-left over quinoa salad, spinach, left over guacamole, sprouts, Wickles, carrots and broccoli 

That salad ROCKED!!!

But then it was time to get back to work.  I labored away.....  and eventually need a mid-afternoon snack.  
-green tea

And then more green tea and a Kashi granola bar
Apparently I was hungry today!

I stayed at work a bit later than normal, but got home in time to meet my friend and divy up our crop share goodies.  Unfortunately you'll have to wait till tomorrow for the veggie glamour shots.... they are on my camera, yes I usually slack and use my iphone... I really need to use the camera more!

After getting over the shock of how beautiful all the veggies were and how HUGE the basil bunch was (seriously I'm going to be a pesto making machine tomorrow night), I started on dinner. 

  • wild Alaskan salmon w/ lemon, lemon zest, garlic, basil and olive oil wrapped in foil on the grill
  • red potatoes wrapped in foil on the grill w/ olive oil, parsley and a little basil too
  • tomato salad: tomatoes, basil, balsamic vinegar, olive oil

Yes if you did not involve basil or olive oil you were not part of tonight's dinner!
Very yummy. 

So based on my food choices today, can you guess what book I'm reading.... Oats, Blueberries, Broccoli, Orange, Salmon, Tomato, Tea, Spinach, Nut Butter.



If you guessed Superfoods Rx by Dr. Pratt & Kathy Matthews you are correct!

Honestly I kinda knew a lot of this already, but I think its good to help drive it home and also just knowing something is one thing..... but to actually put it into practice and make a lifestyle choice is another.  

Plus if I can make wise food choices now and possibly prevent future illness/disease, I am all for it.  The bonus part is all these foods taste so good!!

What are some of you favorite "good food" reads?  

Have a great night!



  1. That salad looks AWESOME! I haven't been eating enough salads lately...but I just got a box of quinoa in a care package so I'm going to be making something with that.
    I absolutely ADORE "Super Natural Cooking" by Heidi Swanson. Because of that book I've tried tons of new natural foods.

  2. I am in love with the Skinny Bitch book. I love the blunt attitude, and how straight forward it is. It really made me smarten up. I have heard a lot about Superfoods Rx lately, maybe I will read that one next. I am ooobber jealous of your crop share- holy vegetable goodness!

  3. I was going to get that one too Cayla, but it was checked out... which reminds me I was going to put a request in for it at the library. :)
